

Nov 17, 2023

Latest Marvel News: The MCU’s ‘Secret Invasion’ Conspiracy Becomes Real as Tom Holland Halts ‘Spider

For a while there, it felt like Marvel was actually trying to keep the imminent release of Secret Invasion — the first MCU TV series to hit Disney Plus since last October, if you can believe it — a secret. At last, though, those days are over, in the best way possible. In other news, Tom Holland taking a 12-month sabbatical from acting is exactly the opposite of what impatient Spidey fans everywhere wanted to hear. And, Young Avengers nation, your time might finally be coming as Agatha: Coven of Chaos rumors point to a big power-upgrade.

Marvel Studios had been worryingly quiet about Secret Invasion, but now that it's less than two weeks away the House of Ideas is finally kicking the doors open and is increasing the hype for the incoming Samuel L. Jackson show in an ingeniously interactive way. Tying into the conspiracy thriller/mystery themes of the series, Marvel has launched an ARG (alternate reality game) based around a password-protected website that requires fans to put together the clues to access it. If you’ve ever dreamed of being an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., now is your chance.

To be clear, we totally support Tom Holland stepping away from acting for a year if that's what he needs to recharge — the guy deserves a break — but naturally his decision to do this when the world is desperate for concrete updates on Spider-Man 4 is obviously somewhat disheartening. Plus, his management would probably love for him to dive right into his next MCU outing too, given that his new TV series The Crowded Room is sadly another non-Marvel bomb for the British actor. Fingers crossed that, in 12 months’ time, Spidey 4 will waste no more time in going before cameras.

All signs have been pointing to Wanda's somehow-resurrected son Billy Maximoff returning in Agatha: Coven of Chaos, as likely played by Heartstopper‘s Joe Locke. While the star himself has been careful to neither confirm nor deny these expectations, a new rumor seems to be promising that we can anticipate the Young Avenger starting to embrace the full potential of the mystical powers he's inherited from his mom by the end of the Kathryn Hahn spinoff. Oh, and if Marvel could put our fears to rest and introduce Billy's boyfriend Hulkling already, we’d really appreciate it.

Unlike Spider-Man 4, it won't take a year for more of the latest updates from the Marvel multiverse — like one truly sacreligious Spider-Verse theory that ties into Morbius — to swing our way.

Christian Bone is a Staff Writer/Editor at We Got This Covered and has been cluttering up the internet with his thoughts on movies and TV for a full decade, ever since graduating with a Creative Writing degree from the University of Winchester. He can usually be found writing about anything Marvel or DC. And yet, if you asked him, he'd probably say his favorite superhero film is 'The Incredibles'.

Marvel Secret Invasion